Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Up In Smoke

As a man who attended college in the 70's and early 80's, I can certainly attest to the fact that marijuana was certainly prevalent and openly smoked. All this was done at an East Coast Institute of higher learning without the benefit of Cannabis College.

It is indeed late in the year but our local paper has come through with perhaps the most ridiculous article of 2013. The Desert Sun has written about a "Cannabis" College potentially opening up here in the desert.


Just when you thought the medical marijuana debate couldn't get any dumber here in the Golden State, it does. I would think that any agricultural course in the desert would suffice in teaching pople how to grow stuff. Also agriculture is a billion dollar business here in the desert and they may be a few people around who may know a few things a growing things.

It is time we stop the farce of medical marijuana and have a real debate about de-criminalizing small amounts of marijuana. Until then we get a laugh from Cannabis College type stories.

When does Cannabis play Rutgers in football?

Monday, October 14, 2013


Got to watch a little of the "Million" Veterans march on DC yesterday. It was supposed to be about letting the memorials in DC stay open. But the appearance of some Tea Party politicians and than a march to to the White House turned ugly.

Larry Klayman who used to be a little less nuts said the, "President has to take his hand off the Koran." D.C.police were called the Gestapo, and "Kenyan thugs." Racism at its worst.The Million Vets organizers apologized saying the event was supposed to be a political.

The problem of secession in this country was solved by a bloody and brutal Civil War. Before the Civil War there was such polarization that people who had worked and served together both in the armed forces and Congress could no longer speak with each other. Some what similar to today.

I believe and hope that cooler heads will prevail but the far right in this country is really playing with fire and we could all get burned.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Over at the Coachella Valley Water District meeting this morning a very rare occurrence is going on. The august body of Riverside County Board Of Supervisors is meeting. It is a very rare road meeting for this group.

In preparation for their meeting, 3 of the 5 poobahs took a bus trip around the Eastern Valley to look at some county projects. They didn't get off the bus mind you but they did get to glance at these projects while doing what they best. Congratulating themselves.

Today's conference may best be labelled as a somewhat get out the vote next June for 2 of the current members of the Board. Supervisor John Benoit is running for re-election and his colleague Jeff Stone is running for the State Senate out here. So you see the may have a vested interest out here.

Look for another meeting out here in the early winter. Enjoy them while they last because I bet after June 2014, it will be awhile before we see another one!!