Monday, October 26, 2015

Money Talks Rhetoric Walks In Palm Springs

The older one gets, the least surprised you are supposed to be. But today's report on campaign donation has me reeling. The fact that recipients of a single donor's largesse are supposedly "Progressivse" makes this even worse.

Mayoral candidate Ginny Foat has received $91,000 dollars in goods and services from one man, Harold Matzner. That made me imitate Linda Blair even before Halloween. Now this does include goods and services but somehow I guess my invite on election night to Spencer's will somehow get lost in the mail.  That anyone will wind up spending close to 300 grand as Ms.Foat will running for Mayor in Palm Springs is just absurd.

Geoff Kors has already raised 232 grand running for council. For council. Stunning.

Harold Matzner has given 176 grand in sum total to 4 different candidates.

I want to make this clear. I do not attribute any nefarious motives to either the benefactor or recipients of this money. Instead I want to know why I hear a chorus of crickets from the normally loud political players in Palm Springs on this topic? Remember this is occurring in a town where some quarters went into near hysteria over the taking down of a Marilyn Monroe statue, yet huge cash donations and nary a peep.

One of the hallmarks of the Progressive Movement so many give lip service here in Palm Springs is strong opposition to Citizens United and the witches brew that unleashed. Yet here, no mention of it regarding a local election by the so-called local progressives. Right now we have an IMBY not a NIMBY occurring here.

That extends to the local media as well. Where is the Desert Sun editorial on this? If they are in favor of no campaign finance limits, fine. But say something!! Jesse Marx has done a great job laying out all the facts.

What will really crack me up is when Chad Mayes (R-Yucca Valley) does the same dodgy fundraising in next year's race against Greg Rodriguez for Assembly, many of the self-muted now will suddenly find their voice.

These are dark yet highly lucrative days for Palm Springs. At least for the quiet ones.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Ironies Abound In Palm Springs Election

As I scroll through the social media sites involving local politics, the postings of progressive on progressive violence almost literally leaps from the computer screen. With more drama than a junior high girls locker room, allegations of "personal" attacks, sexism, ageism, downright lies and claims of moral virtue have exploded into a cacophony of claims, and counter-claims. The indignation level is at Defcon 5.

Keeping all of the above in mind, my gift to you is yet another public service announcement. These are  just local political candidates here,  not Gandhi trying to free the Indian subcontinent. They are doing what all local politicians do.

Ironic behavior is also part and parcel of this election and here are just a few examples that may provide much needed comic relief.

Ginny Foat

Back in April, when Palm Springs tenants were forced to vacate early from properties owned by tribal members, Ginny Foat was asked what her reaction would be if a similar situation had happened to her. She told the Desert Sun," I would be angry as hell, and frankly I would never do anything on Indian land." Except maybe advertise?

Driving into Palm Springs from Cathedral City, there is a huge billboard of Ms. Foat and Harold Matzner encouraging you to Vote Foat. In case you didn't know it, that billboard is on what, Indian allotee land.

Robert Moon

Rob Moon states that he is a Democrat and a progressive, yet touts the endorsement of Richard Grennell, a conservative foreign policy expert. Moon must be going for the votes of the 6 gay Reagan Democrats in Palm Springs


The police union in Palm Springs refuses to invite Representative Raul Ruiz to it's awards luncheon because of his involvement in a  Native American Thanksgiving protest 17 years ago. Yet it has endorsed Ginny Foat for Mayor. Now I know all that stuff with her is ancient history but seriously.

Geoff Kors

He talks all about the small donors to his campaign but he also took 35 grand from Harold Koch, er Matzner.

Paul Lewin

He is put in the awkward position of hoping for Ms. Foat to win because it increases his chances of staying on the council. I don't think Ms. Foat and Mr. Lewin are enamored with each other.

JR Roberts

JR served on the Planning Commission when all of the downtown plans were pushed through. Now that they have been revised on the fly, JR is now against some parts of a plan he approved. Must be loving John Wessman and Michael Braun at this moment.

Ricky Wright

The former head honcho at Palm Springs High may have to teach his supporters all about geography as for at least 2 days, at least 5 of his signs were on Mission Drive off Gene Autry. Mission Drive is in Cathedral City!!

Hopefully this will provide both a smile and some needed perspective on an election that seems to be staggering to a finish.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Palm Springs Tradition Colorful Candidates

As we stagger to the conclusion of yet another Palm Springs election, it is time to slow down and smile a little. Besides being blessed with a natural abundance of riches, Palm Springs has a vibrant political scene as well. Over the past 20 years or so, it has been my pleasure to observe the political scene in Palm Springs as  both an interested party and a broadcast journalist.

There are a few candidates this year who have "colorful" backgrounds. (Not going to name names, google them.) With all due deference to those with delicate sensibilities, I reach back into the memory vault and post just a few of my favorites:

George Margolis

George said he was a former Air Force Officer when he ran for Mayor in  1995. He parked a big camper van illegally at Village Fest for a month. The most interesting thing about George was that he lived in Rancho Mirage!! He never really explained as to why he was running in town he didn't live in. 2 years later, he ran for Mayor of DHS. Yes, he still lived in Rancho Mirage.

Fred "The Hat" Eberling

Ran for council in the mid-90's. The Hat was great. Drove around in an unlicensed hearse!! Also floated a hot air balloon over downtown. He didn't like Al Smoot, a city employee, and held up a sign at Council Meetings that read, "Smoot must go!!" You couldn't read the sign ov TV because it was pixelated!!

Kitty Cole Bang

A 6ft drag queen, she livened up the Mayor's race in 1995. The whole campaign, which was mostly camp, came to an end when a check of Kitty's finances revealed an eye opening string of debts that would match any feather boa in length and luminosity.

"Fireman" Vinny

Vinny ran for Council in 2009 and Mayor in 2011. He claimed to have been a Chicago firefighter and went to Palm Springs because of 9-11. In 2011, I was moderating the Mayoral debate for the PS Chamber and Vinnie almost physically attacked Steve Pougnet. That got him tossed from the debate. He then went over to the Desert Sun and gave a rambling interview before disappearing into the ether.

Wayne Boyd

A judo instructor, Wayne ran for Mayor in 2003 as a write-in candidate. When asked why, he said, "I forgot there was an election this year." He got 12 votes.

Richard Harrison

A very dapper B list movie actor who ran for Mayor in 1995 and 1999. I remember him doing an interview talking about how he got some political ideas while filming in Uganda. Made no sense at all. Plus the way he pronounced Uganda was hilarious. OOO- GAND-UH.

So there you go. Now while none of these candidates won, they made the election season fun. In this year's race to the bottom, filled with enough sanctimony to make the Mormon Tabernacle Choir blush, we could all do with a smile.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Captain Obvious In Palm Springs Elections

We have all seen the Captain Obvious commercials on TV where the guy touting the hotel website spouts off what we all know. Almost all of us have a friend who drives us nuts by saying the same thing. You are walking down Palm Canyon when a gust of wind knocks your hat off. Your companion says, "Windy today." Well in just the last few days, Captain Obvious has planted his flag solidly in the Palm Springs.

Moon Supporters Lash Out AT Op Ed Pieces And Letters

I'm sorry but theses attacks on Robert Moon about his tenure on the Measure J Committee are part and parcel of the political game. There have been these type of letters appearing in the paper in every Palm Springs election at least since 1991. Moon's supporters should have expected it. The real issue is why the authors of such pieces never come clean and announce who they are supporting? Also why the Desert Sun allows them to get away with it? The charges they make may or not be true but for the newbies don't be fooled, all these letters and Op Ed pieces are done by supporters of rival candidates. The Desert Sun should also identify those candidates the writer supports.

Knickers In A Twist Over " Personal" Attacks

Even I am offended at the hyper-sensitivity in this election. Given some of the personal histories of the candidates involved, someone is going to say something. Rational voters will take this stuff with a grain of salt. While I'm at it, for those of you who wail and bemoan at how " vicious" and "this is the worst election in Palm Springs history", I can easily cite 2 others right off of my head.

In 1991, supporters of Lloyd Maryanov who opposed Will Kleindienst in the mayoral race kept bringing up the fact Will was a house husband and therefore was unemployed. It was nasty. And just 4 years ago, the Palm Springs Police Union sent out a hit piece on former PD Chief and then Council Member Lee Weigel. In a misleading and disgusting mailer, Weigel was accused of advocating policies that led to an increase in the murder rate of 300% in one year. (There were no murders in 2010. 2 conventional murders in 2011 and one unconventional one where a Cathedral City police officer was killed in a crash during a pursuit.) Saying your policies lead to a higher murder rate is about as "personal" as you can go.

 Campaign Signs Knocked Over In Palm Springs

 Oh the horrors!! Is it right? No. Should it be done? No. At some point all candidates have had supporters or sign companies misplace signs or block or "accidentally" knock down opponents signs. Also even the cream of Palm Springs can screw up. Remember the Chamber and the Yes On J Committee put up a bunch of illegal signs a few years back. The world survived.

 Social Media Is Not Accurate, Say It Ain't So

 As we all know, social media sites are not always sticklers for accuracy. All posters on social media have some agenda and to deny that is ridiculous.

 Candidates Are Perfect People With No Flaws


Steve Kelly can be reached at skelly

Monday, October 19, 2015

Will Institutional Arrogance Derail CV Link

Decided to take a break from the mundane, bland Palm Springs election to take on CV Link and the trials and tribulations that are taking place between the supporters and opponents of the project.

While supporting the concept, I have remained deeply skeptical of the process. I had an hour long talk with Tom Kirk of CVAG and was impressed with what they were trying to do.  but wondered whether they all had their ducks in a row.

What has always perplexed me is why they didn't put out the perspective routes sooner? Instead they made this grand splash and really dropped the ball in the beginning. Also the costs and nature of trail security should have been addressed right away.

Now that they have released their proposed routes, both Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells have objected. For his opposition, Rancho Mirage Mayor Dana Hobart has been portrayed as an Abe Simpson-like character. There has also been a whispering campaign that both cities are against the project because of racial undertones. That is unfair and ludicrous and needs to stop. 

Now Rancho Mirage is going o hold an advisory vote on the matter in April. This will put CVAG and the powers behind the CV Link, including the Desert Sun in the odd position of initially opposing this move and then asking for a Yes vote. Talk about awkward!!!

At this point, there are really only 2 ways out of this mess and I am not sure either one is tenable.

A summit meeting brokered by a neutral 3rd Party such as Raul Ruiz. He doesn't have a dog in this fight. They could have it over at Palm Desert and all the towns should participate. Keep hammering away till an agreement can be reached. All the egos, Dana Hobart's, Tom Kirk's and especially Marion Ashley's need to be checked at the door. The problem though with this is that it remains to be seen if:

1.) Raul Ruiz would want to get involved with this train wreck.

2.) If the County Board of Supervisor's, which has 3 far right GOPers on it, would accept Ruiz as a neutral party.

A non-binding Valley plebiscite in June 2016. The problems which this approach are multitude and include:

A.) The towns would complain about the cost of the ballot.

B.) CVAG has already agreed to take money for the project. If voted down, could they return the funds?

The fight over CV Link is really just beginning and like everything these days, I am sure it will wind up in court.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blinders Off In Palm Springs

In yet another blistering editorial, today's Desert Sun goes after the Palm Springs City Council for their comments after a city commissioned report was read aloud at the October 7th meeting. It had to do with the sale of redevelopment property in Palm Springs, This is the sentence I that caught my eye.

Also disappointing is the latest "nothing to see here" reaction we've heard here time and time again from Palm Springs' leaders.

Bingo. I have often wrote of the tendency for the current members of the City Council, all of them, to risk bursitis by constantly patting themselves on the back. It is an affliction that seems to dominate here in Palm Springs and never leads to necessary self-examination.

The current City Council even accepted a 2015 Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award at the Best of the Best Golden Palm Awards!! There are very few things in life that I won't write or comment on but I was left as silent as a nunnery on a winter's night by this one. Future generations will probably burst out into laughter when apprised of the circumstances.

Since the spring, when questions started to be raised about city practices and Mayor Steve Pougnet, the other 4 Council members on the dais have displayed behavior that runs the gamut from martyrdom to arrogance. But what is missing in their actions is maturity and propriety.

Regardless of whether or not criminal proceedings commence, there was a problem in the disposition of land and in the disclosure of conflicts. There were also problems with city staff. And all council members should bite the bullet and talk about it. Somewhat unfairly, all the heat seems to fall on Paul Lewin and Ginny Foat because they are electoral candidates. But need I remind you that Chris Mills back in May said that the thought of a DA probe into matters was "laughable" and that LA bound Rick Hutcheson has praised city staff throughout this mess? I understand not
wanting to throw people under the bus, but  instead donning a Ralph Kramden uniform is quite another kettle of fish.

While it is obvious to most who are following the whole sordid mess, that problems were exacerbated by the City Manager, and City Attorney. Palm Springs leaders refuse to discuss or criticize said employees in public. In fact, Mayor Steve Pougnet, in one of his cameo appearances called David Ready, "The best city manager in the country." Not sure about that one but he is in select company with city managers who have had their City Halls raided. As for Attorney Doug Holland he lost his seat on the credibility train when he refused to release Mayor Pougnet's schedule via a public request citing legal reasons. What was bizarre about this was that Pougnet himself released it!!! Would not want to be on Death Row with Mr. Holland handling my appeal.

And last month after the attorney representing the city in a shooting death by police of a US Marine made some outrageous comments, not one city official would issue a public reprimand.

No matter what individuals triumph in the upcoming election in Palm Springs, the good news is it appears that the recent Caligula-like orgy of self-aggrandizement of the Palm Springs City Council is coming under scrutiny.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sanity Guide For Palm Springs Election

Having scoured the comments on both new and old media, I have been fascinated by the intensity and impressed by enthusiasm shown by Palm Springs residents regarding this election. As always there has been a compendium of wit, insanity, fun, hyper sensitivity and pomposity in the comment cauldron. For those of you new to the game, here a helpful guide to not only surviving the election, but enjoying it.

It is only an election: While important, it is not like ISIS is on Ramon Road. The new council will not be able to operate in a way prior councils did because of the raid on Palm Springs City Hall.

Keep it classy: If you post, no profanity. If you have been drinking, stay away from the keyboard. Check the comments you receive. Have you ever noticed that both the hostility and imbecility levels rise considerably after 9P? Vino and Facebook make for an interesting combo.

Don't take yourself so seriously: While please post all you want, don't be under the impression that you will change anyone's mind. That way you have the freedom to be yourself and not a pompous windbag.

Raise the offense bar: If we really wanted we could be offended every waking moment we spend on this planet. Have a sense of humor. A case of moral self-smugness is a complete turn-off.

Stay mature: I had one of the holier-than-thou prigs rip me. Fair enough. But then he got personal and I thought "If I upset him that much", time for him to go.

If something bugs you on social media too much, it is you not them. You have options. You can always not read a post or not respond. Or in extreme cases, you can block someone. Life is too short

Use cannon sense: I had someone say I had zero credibility. Then why read me? If you are reading a blog written by someone with no credibility what does that say about you?

Put It In Perspective: The Palm Springs election is notorious for references that are ridiculously self-important. Already we have seen comparisions to misogyny, Mitt Romney, dirty tricks and the Koch Brothers (Oh yeah, that was me. Better practice what I blog.) It is an election for a mid size California town. Enjoy.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Friday, October 16, 2015

Palm Springs Election Fact Or Fiction

This is the dirtiest election in Palm Springs history filled with "personal" attacks:

Fiction: No it isn't. There have been character issues raised in Palm Springs elections on numerous occasion. What does amplify the process is the introduction of social media in the equation.

The really important election is the one for Mayor.

Fact: So much rides on this. Ironically enough, the phrase "Politics makes strange bedfellows" is never more apropos. If  I am Paul Lewin or J.R. Roberts, I want a Ginny Foat victory because that almost guarantees me a spot on the council.

Geoff Kors has been the breakout star of the election.

Fact: He has run a campaign too good for this office. While I feel 200 grand is completely out of whack to run in a council race, he will and should be on the short list for a run against John Benoit in a few years.

Ginny Foat and Paul Lewin have run less than stellar campaigns.

Fiction: How do you run as a 3rd term or on all the "progress" made while the city is enduring an ongoing corruption investigation? In case you haven't noticed, the name Steve Pougnet has disappeared faster from the vocabulary of both of them than an ice cube on Palm Canyon Way in July. I think both have done the best with what they have.

The media have been biased for/against candidates.

Fiction: Be real

Some of the candidates have been "less ready for prime time" than others.

Fact: True and so what? I have interviewed all of the current council members and believe me, none all of them were media delights in the beginning of their runs.

Palm Springs is a "Progressive" city and this race reflects those values.

Fiction: Oh the boxes have been checked, the LGBT community feted and talk about income inequality also raised. But when you have one man donating a huge amount of money to a block of candidates, it has a certain Koch Brothers ring to it.  Also candidates fawned all over the local police union when endorsed by them. The union in turn is supplying muscle for signs and also phone calls. On the same Facebook Page where the candidates thanked the union, the union is blasting anti-racial profiling laws. Hardly a progressive move.

As always there is no shortage of irony in an election.

Fact: My favorite this year is people going on social media websites urging people not to talk politics. Huh? If the talk of the election is so upsetting, then don't go on the websites.

Political signs are the end of civilization as we know it.

Fiction: They are a vibrant part of life in a political season. Also they must have some effect as the city is now putting up Measure J signs in every nook and cranny they can. But I know those signs aren't political in the least. Ahem.

The sun will come up the day after the election.

Fact/Ficton: The jury is still out on that one.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Desert Sun Editor Attacks Conspiracy Theorists

With voting in the Palm Springs election upon us, it was very interesting to read a piece which appears today online and will be in the Desert Sun tomorrow. It strikes at the very heart of the corruption probe that is ongoing in Palm Springs and in great detail, lays out the reportage about it in the local paper.

Since the story first broke in April, many supporters of both Mayor Pougnet and the power elite in Palm Springs have been spreading a tale that the allegations originated from the Robert Moon Mayoral campaign and specifically they point to Freeman Public Affairs in Torrance who have consulted for Mr. Moon. Freeman was the group hired by the Palm Springs Police Officer's Association in their successful attempt to unseat former Chief and Council member Lee Weigel 4 years ago. For those of you who don't recall, a vicious and salacious mailer against Mr. Weigel was sent out by the union which was denounced by many. Freeman did that mailer. Embattled Mayor Steve Pougnet implied as much from the council dais in a performance the Desert Sun said was, "Nixonesque".

Earlier this year, I spoke with Mr. Moon about this. He said he hired Freeman Public Affairs on the advice of Palm Springs POA head William Hutchinson but was not happy with their work and would disassociate himself from them. He vigorously denied he or they started this story. I have heard him or his camp repeat this denial on at least on 3 separate occasions.

Today Greg Burton Editor of the Desert Sun wrote about the timeline his reporters used in writing and advancing the story. In my opinion, this is a must read for those who have an interest in Palm Springs local politics. As a point of disclosure, I do know most of the parties involved. In my dealings with all of them, I have been impressed by their professionalism and going where angels fear to tread. I think Mr. Burton explains his case beautifully. Many in social media have clamored for the "facts". In this column, Mr. Burton more than delivers.

As many of you know, I have often criticized the paper. Especially the Vibe and Style sections. They give as good as they get from me and fair play to them. They even accused me of being cynical a few weeks ago in an editorial. I am not a lap dog for the paper but have the highest respect for the practice of good journalism. I say bravo to the all the reporters and editors who have covered this story.

And let us not forget that Mr. Burton himself, has been more than gracious about this matter. Shortly after this story started running, yet another garbage mailer, this time involving Mr. Burton was mailed to the community. The pusillanimous poltroons behind this mailing never had the courage to name themselves. Mr. Burton and his crew have never wavered in doggedly following their leads.

There remain chapters to be written in this ongoing investigation. For the gang over on Gene Autry Drive, keep it up. And no I don't care if Taylor Swift is sipping coffee in Palm Springs.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sacre Bleu It's Pepe Le Pew In Palm Springs

As we get ready for the candidates debate this week in Palm Springs, there is more than a whiff of the aroma of political garbage as candidates for office are going into scramble mode. While early voting has started. there remains many votes to be cast in this polarizing election. Here are a few examples of what has gone on to tickle my olfactory senses.

I have decided to reach each stinker on a scale of 1 to 4 clothespins.

1= Get the Glade

2= Open the Window

3= Leave The Area Immediately

4= Don The Gas Masks

Deceptive Valley Voice Piece On Mayoral Candidate Rob Moon

As blogger Bond Shands points out, A Valley Voice piece appeared in the Desert Sun attacking claims made by mayoral candidate Rob Moon about his time and tenure on the Measure J Committee in Palm Springs. The piece was penned by Mark Marshall, Chair Of The Measure J Committee. Mr. Marshall was nominated by mayoral candidate Ginny Foat to his position and is closely intertwined with her at the Mizell Senior Center. Now I have no idea if Mr. Marshall's assertions are true but by not disclosing his ties to Ms. Foat, he is being coy at least and deceptive at best.

2 Clothespins

Harold Matzner

My fellow New Jerseyean and Chair of the Palm Springs Film Festival has spent an ungodly sum of money, well into 6 figures, in order to support a block of candidates. I am dumbfounded that not more people have spoken up about this matter, especially local Democrats. I don't question Mr. Matzner's character but I do question how this is not viewed as dangerous to the electoral process.

3 Clothespins

Committee to Clean House

This group is running anti-incumbent ads in Palm Springs. It appears to be a shadowy I.E. (Independent Expenditure Committee). I hate these types of committees because by design, it is difficult to find what individual or groups are behind them.

3 Clothespins

The Palm Springs Police Officers Association Endorsement

It was quite the sight to see 4 candidates practically swoon at receiving this endorsement. Remember all these candidates are allegedly progressive. This is a right wing union which has a history of dirty political tricks and misrepresentations in the council elections. It is also suing to stop the release of names of officer involved shootings.

3 Clothespins

With a few weeks to go and septicemia setting in from all sides, there is only one plausible action.  Buy some more clothespins.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Friday, October 9, 2015

2 Out Of 3 Ain't Bad In Palm Springs Circus

The other day I gave my predictions on 3 things that would happen at the  city council meeting  the Independent Legal Review Of The Disposition Of  Redevelopment Properties in Palm Springs. Let's see how I did.

Mayor Pougnet Would Stay Silent

Faster than a speeding bullet the Mayor recused himself. Since he is currently in the middle of a corruption probe involving people linked to these sales, this one was easy. Of course he cited his "business" conflict.

No One Would Mention The September Raid By The Task Force On Palm Springs City Hall

Like any reference to Kim Jong Eun's Uncle in North Korea, it has disappeared from the consciousness. Okay I am 2 for 2.

The City Council Would Have The Sense Not To Crow About It

Boy did I strike out on this. Despite the fact this report did find flaws in the way the process was handled twice, you would have thought Moses himself had descended from Mt. Sinai carrying this report instead of the 10 Commandments. The terms "sloppy" and "technical violations" were bandied about. Paul Lewin went on social media and explained how the city really did nothing wrong. Ginny Foat and Rick Hutcheson were almost combative in their stands. David Ready was Eddie Haskellesque in his statements. And on websites, the defenders of Truth, Justice and the Palm Springs Status Quo nearly fell over themselves in praising the city.

In this pique of this self-righteousness and self-congratulatory orgy, city officials failed to mention a few obvious facts.

1.) The report was about technical processes not whether the processes were steered from the start for the benefit of one group or individual. It did find a serious problem in the sale of the Prairie Schooner lot.

2) The US Attorney's Office and their independent legal review trumps any one funded by the city. They are looking into whether the process was flawed from the start due to corruption, not if the paperwork was correct. 

The old saying goes It Ain't Over Till The Fat Lady Sings. In the case of Palm Springs, she isn't even at the theater yet.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Palm Springs City Council Right To Remain Silent

Tomorrow night at the Palm Springs City Council meeting there may be the greatest display of footwork since Ginger Rogers graced our Valley. The Council will look at the independent legal review of the disposition of former Redevelopment Agency Properties by the Los Angeles based law firm of Kane, Balmer and Berkman. I have read the report and it left me flat footed.

The report is big on process but very little else. It describes various actions the city took in getting rid of property after the state mandated closure of the Redevelopment Agencies. While it raises questions over the sale of the Prairie Schooner lot and some lack of communication between various city agencies, unless one wants to cure insomnia, it is not recommended reading.

This report was requested by Council person Paul Lewin back in the spring when questions were raised about the city and certain dealings with developer Rich Meaney. This was to be the report that would exonerate city officials and reassure the public all was well and above board in Palm Springs.

All of this was blown out of the water by the Task Force raid on City Hall back on September 1st. The real review of the city and how well they did in the divestiture of these properties is now taking place in the US Attorney's office in LA. The real entertainment should be tomorrow night.

If Mayor Steve Pougnet is there, he obviously will have no comment on the report because of advice of counsel. While the Palm Springs City Council never misses an opportunity to congratulate itself for both normal and customary doings, they really can't go too overboard in this case. This is a self-commissioned report that has been made redundant by the federal probe.

Despite an ever growing smaller circle of acolytes who will praise all that happens in Palm Springs, the City Council and staff will have to show all the dexterity of Julianne Hough  as they will praise the report while never mentioning what happened on that September morn.

The only time I can remember a similar circumstance was about a dozen years ago when the "Naked Bridge" opened on Palm Canyon. Then Mayor Will Kleindienst wanted it referred to only as an archway. The word archway was bandied about 50 times during the council hearing on the project I believe designed by current council member Chris Mills. But finally a member of the audience reminded the council the archway was a bridge for nudists to cross the street, from one part of the resort to the other.. It was a "Naked Bridge." The name stuck.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Regarding this report, advice that Palm Springs officials should heed on Wednesday.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Monday, October 5, 2015

A Handy Translation Guide To The Palm Springs Election

Following the Palm Springs election on social media has been fascinating. Local groups on Facebook have been a beehive of activity. I, too, have joined by blogging about my impressions of the people, claims and facts of the elections. For those who are knew to the scene or social media, I present some primers as to what to expect along with some helpful translations.

Statement: Did You Know That

Translation: Supporters of candidates usually recycle old or negative stories about election opponents. I just found out that Mr. Brown wore combat boots in 1986. This disqualifies him from holding office in 2015.

Statement: I Am Tired Of All These Negative Postings

Translation: People are questioning my candidate so in order to rebut that, I am fleeing to the moral high ground of smug superiority. I chose to live my life as a paragon of virtue, unlike the rest of you and therefore will engage in pompous lecturing.

Statement: The Desert Sun News Division Is Biased

Translation: I don't know how media works and the paper did not endorse my candidate. While by it's very nature, the Editorial Board does make judgement, the news division plays it straight. Oh and I will slam Gannett too.

Statement: This Is The Most Vicious Campaign Ever In Palm Springs

Translation: I have lived here less than 10 years or I have forgotten a few of the earlier doozies.

Statement: I Only Deal With Facts Not Speculation

Translation: The ones that support my candidate. Again I am morally superior to the supporters of other candidates.

Statement: This Election Is Just Like 

Translation: We will put in any national political metaphor because Palm Springs can not just be a town in the desert of 50,000 people. No, it must be special.

Please bear these in mind as the next month or so transpires as you are going to be reading a lot of the above aforementioned

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Foat and I Eclipsed By Moon Endorsement

In a move that some would call a surprise, the Desert Sun has endorsed Rob Moon for Mayor in Palm Springs. Quite frankly, there was no way the paper could endorse the prohibitive favorite in the Palm Springs race, incumbent council member Ginny Foat. Yesterday the Desert Sun basically eviscerated fellow council member Paul Lewin in not endorsing him in his bid for re-election.

Of course looming large over the election is the ongoing probe into Mayor Steve Pougnet and his relationship with developer Rich Meaney. The Desert Sun Editorial Board has made it clear that it feels that there was a lack of oversight by the city council in Palm Springs.

Now what does the endorsement mean? I think it will help Rob Moon marginally. In this day of early voting and other media sources, a newspaper endorsement does not mean as much as it used to. However it does make a statement that the status quo is no longer acceptable, at least to Editorial Board and good for them.

As befits Palm Springs, news of the endorsement of Rob Moon has of course elicited some pretty entertaining comments from a few of Ms. Foat's supporters. Some are reaching back to 2012 when the paper endorsed Mitt Romney for President. To compare both is completely ludicrous. But again, many people are still upset believing Mr. Moon is behind the whole Steve Pougnet mess. I had someone today say they were going to send me "proof" of some nefarious conspiracy Mr. Moon is now purportedly involved in. I will let you know if it shows up.

Without naming me the editorial also took me to task for my view, hardly one that I alone hold, that the election of Ms. Foat was more of a planned coronation:

Some cynically insist that the dye has been cast in this race crowning Councilwoman Ginny Foat as the hand selected next in line by high-powered interests that make up the Palm Springs 'machine" that decides how the city is run.

All well and good but I am waiting for the Desert Sun to name those interests. Okay I will. Harold Matzner, and the Palm Springs Hospitality Association. And I do point out to the Editorial Board the huge amount of money invested in this race by Mr. Matzner. Totally unprecedented. I stand by my writing about this being an attempted coronation.

In the long run, Ms. Foat has to be considered the favorite but if she does achieve the Mayor's seat, one wonders how she will deal with the Desert Sun in the future.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

Pop Up Politics

I decided this morning to drop by the Desert Sun's Pop Up politics event at the Palm Springs Air Museum. It was a really great event and kudos to the people who put it on. It was fun seeing so many familiar faces. My general takeaways:

Palm Springs

I talked to a lot of candidates for in both the mayoral and council races. The general consensus was that many were surprised that the Desert Sun was so hard on Paul Lewin basically tearing him to shreds while endorsing Geoff Kors and JR Roberts. Many felt there was no way the paper could endorse Ginny Foat for Mayor after the editorial yesterday.

When asked who the paper would endorse if not Ms. Foat, the consensus was it would be Robert Moon. I myself feel they will issue no endorsement but we shall see.

Most of the crowd I talked to was both abuzz and aghast at the amount of money Palm Springs power broker Harold Matzner has plopped down in this election. Well into 6 figures, it should basically frighten everyone. I would not be surprised if campaign finance limits are in place soon as a result.


It was a good turnout except for Mayor Adam Sanchez who skipped the event. In DHS it all boils down to turnout, A big turnout tends to favor more traditional candidates.

Also there were candidates for the various water boards there. Sorry I didn't get to hear there presentations.

All in all not a bad way to spend the morning.

Steve Kelly can be reached at