Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Voice Stilled

I was at work in the studio when my phone started to buzz. First once, then again and finally a 3rd time. A blogger reported the death of Rancho Mirage's Ralph Kiner at 91. I didn't know how I would feel. You see Ralph Kiner was a Valley resident, a Baseball Hall of Famer and also a voice of my youth.

I grew up in Northern New Jersey on the outskirts of New York City. Many a night was spent watching the New York Mets on WOR Channel 9. Ralph Kiner with Bob Murphy and Lindsey Nelson recounted both the highs and lows of each Met season.From the worst team in baseball in 1962 to the Miracle Mets in 1969, this golden trio was a constant.They became like Oxford Dons tutoring a kid with horrible eyesight and terrible coordination who eat slept and breathed Mets baseball. My mother, who hated baseball, was always kind to me about watching the games.

Every night my Dad's carpool would drop him off from the New York FBI office.He would catch up on the days comings and going before heading to the "playroom". My brother Chris and I would lie on the floor and he would sit in his easy chair. There was the break about inning 5 to unload the dishwasher but I was pretty much set for the night. Ralph would talk about Wayne Garrett and Jerry Grote but he would also regale with tales of all of the baseball greats. Ralph had either played against them or had a connection.

Years later when I worked with radio legend Bud Furillo, he would be amazed as I would rattle off stories of the PCL league or other such trivia. I never confessed but these were Ralph Kiner stories. Ralph Kiner taught me baseball..

I got to interview Ralph once and I wish I could say it was memorable. I was very nervous but I did get him to talk about Ty Cobb who used to write letters to him. Amazing.

Ralph Kiner was a legend on the field and off. I can not help but smile as I think back to all those warm summer nights with the crickets chirping through the screen windows as the Met get set to battle another evil foe.

 I lost a hero today but heaven not only got a Hall of Famer but a great teacher as well.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Twittering Around

It is true if you are going to work in the media today, you are going to have to do social media. And I guess there are social norms one must get used to.

I have been on Twitter now for a few years and enjoyed it very much. To me it has been a great way for instantaneous information flow and communication. I have made friends and also lost a few along the way. The way you are you are kicked off someone's Twitter feed is when they block you. You may notice you have heard nothing from that person in a while. You go to their feed and it pops up, You have been blocked form this account at the request of the user.

At that point, you may feel a range of emotions ranging from hurt to anger. Then you think in your mind. at least if you are me, "What did I do to cause this? Or are they having a bad day?" In 3 years, I have been banned 3 times. Following over 330 people, that is less than the statistical margin of error.

The first one was an aviation buff. I sent him a link to the Palm Springs Air Museum. He blocked me. An idiot.

Second one was a good guy who was an announcer. He had some personal issues and I think I was not the only one blocked. But I felt bad for him and hope he works out his demons.

The third one I have no idea why and after this blog, am done with it. Wish this guy well but have no understanding what went on and really could care less.

You may want to know if I have blocked anyone on Twitter. Only 3. You want to guess who?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Davis Cup Come Through With A Home Run

When the fall rolled around, I underlined on my calender the last week in January. I really wanted to go and cover an outdoor sporting event unique to a stadium. I had heard these were all fun and I felt that I belonged. I was all set for a unique adventure.

Then the rejection came. I was disappointed and embarrassed. How could I be turned down? It was my dream to cover this sport in a baseball stadium. Yet the NHL said I was not high enough on the media food chain to go to the Kings-Ducks game in LA. I probably could have called some contacts to get the situation reversed. But I am glad I didn't.

Instead this freed me up to go to tennis's Davis Cup. The event is also being held at an MLB Stadium, Petco Park here in San Diego. The venue is fantastic. Left field has been transformed into a clay court. The US team is taking on Great Britain in tennis. The competition has been great and the media room has been friendly and full of great fun. Where else can you here someone saying that their next stop is Paducah Kentucky?

Tomorrow American Sam Querry takes on Andy Murray. David must slay Goliath if the US is to have a chance. I have to say that even though I was iced by the NHL, landing here among friends in San Diego at a great event has been more than adequate compensation. I am lucky.