Sunday, November 23, 2014

Benghazi Blues

In our modern age of communications, nothing is more sacred than the old fashioned document dump. A Washington staple, it has been used by both the executive and legislative branch to release voluminous information on a Friday afternoon at 5pm in order to lessen media scrutiny. The House Intelligence Committee headed by Mike Rogers R-Michigan did so Friday.

The subject of this dump was the 9-11-12 attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi. The far right, aided and abetted by Fox News has been carping on this for the last 2 years. First brought up in the Presidential debates by Mitt Romney, it has now been used by GOP operatives as an attack on Hilary Clinton in an attempt to derail her 2016 assumed Presidential run.

The House Committee basically debunked all of the conspiracy theories that have been floated around about Benghazi. Basically it was a very fluid and confused situation. Tragic as well of course, because 4 Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 others were killed in the attacks.

Of of the most egregious lies that was spread was that there was a "Stand down" order issued to military personnel who could have aided the Benghazi compound. And of course this order supposedly emanated from the very top. Why President Obama would have done so has never been articulated.Of course in Cuckooville, an explanation is not always offered readily. As long as it involves the Muslim, Kenyan, Socialist, Nazi, Racist, President, all appears to be fair game.

The other big form of controversy is what sparked the attacks. At first Administration spokespeople including UN Ambassador Susan Rice said that attack was launched in reaction to an anti-Islamic video. Soon she was attacked from all sides. Again the House Committee found that while there was more involved than just the film, it was demmed a contributing factor.

Benghazi has become a cottage industry for far right conspiracy theorists and Senators such as Lindsay Graham and John McCain. Graham has already denounced the report as "full of crap." Interesting. This GOP on GOP violence is very disturbing.And amusing. Fox News has run as fast as way from this story as they can.

But all is not lost for you Benghazi buffs. The House has yet another committee investigating the attacks. Of course they will find nothing either as this tragedy will become as farcical search for Ahab.

Steve Kelly is a broadcast journalist based in Palm Springs. He can be heard Monday through Friday on 1450 KPTR or from 4 to 6P time.

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