Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ginny Foat Running For Steve Pougnets 3rd Term

The announcement today that PS Councilman Paul Lewin will fight to keep his council seat and not run for mayor in Palm Springs is a real coup for fellow council member and mayoral candidate Ginny Foat.

Ms. Foat, who has pledged to run for only one term, held a fundraiser last night at Spencer's restaurant. This is significant because a number of Palm Springs heavy hitters were in attendance. Harold Matzner a man of huge influence introduced her to the crowd. (On a side note, despite what the Mayor says, I believe he decided not to run in part because Mr. Matzner in his capacity as head of the Film Festival threatened to sue the city over the Aberdeen project. It was a message.) The local big shots who supported Pougnet are now in Ms. Foats's camp.

With the tourist industry on board, Ms. Foat has checked all the boxes except the public safety unions who have yet to weigh in. Those unions tend to have a disproportionate level of influence in election matters. Ms Foat's current crop of opponents Robert Moon, Bob Weinstein and Michael Bimberg are facing an uphill battle

Since Mr. Lewin has now decided to run for  re-election to the council, he now may have an even more difficult time than if  he ran for mayor. Geoff Kors is checking all the right boxes and appears to be a shoo-in. JR Roberts, a former Sausalito mayor and current planning commissioner is close with Ms. Foat. Paul Lewin isin the fight of his young political life to hang onto his seat as only 2 city council seats are at stake.

All may not be peaches and cream for Ms. Foat though. She has made a few statements that have angered the Agua Caliente tribe and if they weigh in against her, it could pack a great counter-punch.

Steve Kelly is on from 4 to 6p Monday through Friday on 1450 KPTR and also IHeart radio

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