Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Palm Springs PD Picks Media Critic To Deal With The Media

Over the last few weeks. I have received several e mails from the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Palm Springs Police Department. The PSPD has an officer who deals with local media in helping to disseminate information involving public safety incidents. These are helpful and informative. But imagine my surprise when I noticed the name of the new PIO. It is none other than Sergeant William Hutchinson, the former head of the Palm Springs Police Officers Association.

Prior to getting this role, Mr. Hutchinson had a rather colorful history with the local media he is now collaborating with. This history includes:

A cringe worthy appearance on the television show COPS, It is too painful for me to watch again, but it is on YouTube for the not so faint of heart.

A ridiculous attack on Desert Sun reporter Brett Kelman.

Refusing to cooperate with the Desert Sun in their investigation surrounding the 2012 shooting death of  AJ DeVillena a US Marine.

Participating in a 2012 "News Conference" attacking Raul Ruiz.. It was a desperate attempt to help Mary Bono Mack in her failed re-election bid.

Spearheading a now defunct lawsuit against the City of Palm Springs  to block it from releasing the names of police officers involved in on duty shootings. The Desert Sun had made a request.

In the interest of full disclosure, I blocked him from my personal social media accounts after a number of scurrilous posts. It just became a waste of time.

In his new role, I wish Sergeant Hutchinson well. I am a firm believer in redemption and second chances. Perhaps he will gain a new found respect for the job done by the local media and the vital role it plays in our society.

If however, he doesn't change his prior negative attitude, it is going to get very frosty in Palm Springs, very fast.

Steve Kelly can be reached at or followed on Twiitervat @skellynj.

1 comment:

  1. And you forgot this one: Hutchinson was one of the cops in the car watching the Warm Sands Sex Sting go down and arresting 24 men.
