Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Diminished Expectations How I Went From Number 1 To Number 338 At The Rose Bowl

One of the greatest times in my life was when I worked for the late, great Bud Furillo. The most generous, fascinating and mercurial person I have ever known. Bud was a fantastic writer, and broadcaster. I truly loved the guy and loved all his stories. And he and I collaborated on one story I still laugh at.

Bud picked me up and I drove us to the 1997 Rose Bowl. Jake Plummer and the Arizona State Sun Devils were taking on The Ohio State University. We parked as usual about 15 minutes from the Stadium and Bud was having health problems so we were a little late getting our media passes. We hurriedly put them on and then up to the press box.

Before the elevator took off, a couple of surprises occurred. First Mike Tirico of ESPN got in. Then none other than John Glenn, and I for one realized the former astronaut still had the "Right Stuff." All during our ride up I felt an cold glance from Mr. Tirico. After getting off the elevator, we proceeded to do what sports journalist do all around the world before covering a big event. Bud and I dropped our gear off and headed to the food line.

While waiting in line we again were joined by Mike Tirico. He gave the once over and finally said," May I ask you a question?" I replied yes and he then said, "Can you tell me why your press badge is numbered 001. How did you get that?" I looked down at the pass and this being the days before ESPN radio said, " If I tell you can I get an interview?" He agreed and then I had to explain that the number 001 belonged to Bud Furillo who was covering his 47th Rose Bowl. It seems we had put the tags on without checking them and made a mistake. Tirico roared as Bud and I exchanged passes. I dropped 337 places to 338.

And yes Mike Tirico did give us that interview. Quite a Rose Bowl!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes i also think Similarly, Painter Smurf only paints. Handy Smurf builds stuff. Within the village, societal roles are clear-cut. No deviation is allowed — in fact, a memorable episode of the caricatures orange county saw the Smurfs switch jobs with bumbling, humbling results. Thanks for this great post.
