Monday, July 7, 2014

Murrietta Madness

It has been nearly a week since a buses carrying undocumented immigrants from Central America were turned away by protestors at a Murrietta check point. In a moment reminiscent of Bull Connor and the embarrassing George Wallace movement, the worst of America turned out to demonstrate.

Conspiracy theories, Islamic terrorists, and of course fear and ignorance gave our county a bad name. In fact even the mayor, who at first was a chief cheerleader and the town's city manager later said these idiotic protests were not the image the town wanted to project.

Jeff Stone, a Riverside County Supervisor and candidate for the State Senate addressed a town hall meeting and demanded that the border be made more secure. Stone who never met a PR opportunity he didn't like even drafted a letter to President Obama saying “He was willing to meet with him” to discuss all the issue.” Well I am sure the President will get on it right away.

The amount of ignorance in this matter is startling. The people were shipped to Murrietta to be screened and in most cases deported. Throw in some racism and you get the rest of the picture. Thank goodness for the citizens of Coachella who are collecting items for these refugees.

Also what was interesting to me was the amount of people who came out to support the undocumented immigrants. I think the Tea Party types were stunned that even in Murrietta, there were demonstrators who were willing to stand up to them in 90 degree heat.

The “Crisis At The Border” will soon be handled like all such in the past. However the stench out of Murrietta may take some time to dissipate.          

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