Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mr. Sanders Comes To Cathedral City

It was a nice day here in the Valley. Not too hot for May which sometimes can be brutal. Of course political interest was sparked by the appearance of Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at Big League Dreams in Cathedral City.

Without getting into the policy issues and differences among the 2 Democratic presidential candidates, I thought I would just offer some general observations.

The campaign staff and law enforcement were absolutely terrific. The event went off without a hitch and as a press corp invitee, I can tell you these people were total pros.

The organizers said they were going to get 6,000 people there. I would estimate they got between 3500 and 4000. Not bad for 3 days notice.

Lots of young people and little kids there.

Credit must be given to Councilman Greg Pettis of Cathedral City and the Oderkirk family which owns Big League Dreams for getting this rally. It was good for the city and the Valley.

The crowd was well behaved. Some foul language but not a lot. Many were college students.

Finally, I was amazed that a 74 year old could give a 50 minute speech. Like him or not, that was impressive.

On a side note, I did feel like a dinosaur when the lady handling the press asked me if I had ever covered a Presidential candidate's appearance before. I said I had and to her utter befuddlement and amusement, I told I had covered John Anderson for a few events in 1980!! She told me she had no idea who that was as she been born in 1991. Ah, youth.

Steve Kelly can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @skellynj

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