Thursday, September 8, 2016

Foat And Mills Misfire In Gun Debate

Last night the Palm Springs City Council voted 3 to 2 to enact in my opinion, some sensible gun control ordinances. Basically they involve basic safety procedures and the reporting of missing or stolen firearms. As can be expected these days, NRA zealots protested the move. Kudos to Geoff Kors for proposing the legislation. It will come back for a final vote n a few weeks.

As far as the gun safety aspect of using trigger locks or locking up a weapon, I have had some personal experience. My father was in law enforcement for 36 years and every night he came home, the gun went into a locked box. Then he gave up his gun when he retired. There were 6 boys in the house and my dad was very safety conscious. 

Now the 3 2 vote was one to take note of. Kors was joined by JR Roberts and Mayor Rob Moon. Moon is interesting because he was a career military man. Roberts said he was a gun owner.

On the other side both Chris Mills and Ginny Foat were equally interesting albeit misguided in their stated reasons to oppose the ordinances. Let me make it clear, both of these representatives have the right to vote their conscience. What was jaw dropping for me were the reasons the duo stated.            

Mills stated he felt the new laws could only work in a reactive manner. There would be no active deterrent. There is no way he can know that. A long and distinguished public career in Palm Springs seems to be ending as a contestant in an Abe Simpson sound-a-like contestant.

Next up was Ginny Foat who said as a gun owner there was no way she was not removing the gun she keeps next to her bed.  Given her "colorful" past, (No I am not going in full detail but you thought it about too.) one may have thought Ms. Foat would have been a tad more measured in her comments. And as it appears to be more and more, one would be wrong.

Both Foat and Mills are up for re-election next year and it is hard for me to see either one of them running again. But it is Palm Springs and as we all know, anything can happen. And usually does.

Steve Kelly is a logger/podcaster based in the Coachella Valley. He can reached at or on twitter @skellynj,

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