Thursday, October 13, 2016

Awful Tragedy In Palm Springs Begs Answers On Gun Control

Like many residents of the Coachella Valley I was physically sickened by the killing of police officers Gil Vega and Lesley Zerenby. Unlike many of my friends, I support capital punishment in some cases and this is one where I feel it could certainly apply. Not only am I saddened but I am angry as well.

A report in the Desert Sun details the type of weapon used in this cowardly, vile ambush. An AR-15, armor piercing bullets and a bullet proof vest were utilized by the suspect. I am aware the he is a felon and as such not allowed to legally possess such a firearm. But alleged illegal access to such fire power obviously was no precursor to obtaining these weapons.

Palm Springs is in a county where the presiding Sheriff calls the AR-15 "America's musket". Yes, the same model gun that was used to kill the wife of one of his deputies. Palm Springs is also the town where 2 misguided council members voted against an ordinance that requires a the reporting of stolen weaponry.  Our county shooting range is used by the vile NRA to put on shooting clinics. Yes that is the same NRA that has opposed banning armor piercing bullets since the 1980s and also has fought any attempt to ban the AR-15 weapons in any shape or form,

 The same crowd that so loudly wants the death penalty and to "lock them up" is so strangely silent on our police being outgunned. Or they propose ridiculous solutions. One local media wag thought police should now be armed like the military, of course forgetting that a militarized police force will create so many more problems. How about getting rid of military style weapons that are openly sold at gun shows like the one our Sheriff Stan Sniff promoted on his Facebook page?

Now anyone mentioning sensible gun legislation will now be accused of politicizing this tragedy. So be it. If anything good can come out of this horrible incident, the shining of the light of exposure on these gun zealots in local government may be one thing.

In a Valley Voice back on June 17, 2016 in reference to RC Sheriff Stan Sniff, I wrote:

What I do not agree to is a sheriff who is using his office to further the objectives of a rabid band of irresponsible zealots who may one day use legally purchased assault-style weapons against the brave men and women he command.

I stand by that and hope after the services next week, leaders in the Valley will join together to address this issue.

Steve Kelly can be reached at or @skellynj on twitter.

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