Friday, October 28, 2016

Inappropriate Attack On The Desert Sun By Palm Springs Police Union

"The names have been changed to protect the innocent." This disclaimer has been used on police shows since the 1950's. I once asked my Dad, a 23 year veteran of the FBI, what that meant when I was a kid. He was a kind man and he said that people who do horrible things have families  Those people should not be blamed for things they didn't do. The change of names was to protect them from public scorning.

Palm Springs is still reeling from the murder of 2 police officers earlier this month. The accused killer is now facing the death penalty.

The Desert Sun published an article including quotes from the brother of the suspect who is currently himself in jail. In it, he spoke abut some of the trauma his family is going through. It was clearly stated he was in jail and he in no way condoned his brother's actions. I thought it was very thoughtful. My only issue with it was it may have been published too early. If it were my call I may have waited.

The Palm Springs Police officers Association (PSPOA) went crazy on their Facebook page accusing the Desert Sun of moral equivalency and tabloid journalism. They also pointed out that the source from the article was in jail.

The PSPOA has a very checkered and controversial past. It has also been involved in feuds with the Desert Sun before. I truly believe that the members of the union have no understanding of either media or the role of journalism. Rather they just parrot charges of  "tabloid journalism" without understanding what they are saying.

Many of the tributes to Officer Gil Vega talked about him as a role model to some young relatives. An outstanding officer, he knew that some of them had been arrested. He was not judged by this. He  and Officer Lesley Zerebny are heroes. The police union is in pain and I understand that. Like many citizens I contributed at the fundraising drive for both officers and did my best to publicize the PSPOA event at City Hall.

Now is the time for healing and for supporting the officer's families. Ill informed vindictive rants that feel good temporarily but really are superfluous to the business at hand are an unnecessary distraction.

Steve Kelly can be reacher at or followed on Twitter @skellynj

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Steve, for reminding that the PSPOA has a "checkered and controversial feuds with the Desert Sun". Sadly, despite new leadership, this event would appear to confirm there's been no change in their knee-jerk adversarial reactions in dealing with others and/or events.
