Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Captain Obvious In Palm Springs Elections

We have all seen the Captain Obvious commercials on TV where the guy touting the hotel website spouts off what we all know. Almost all of us have a friend who drives us nuts by saying the same thing. You are walking down Palm Canyon when a gust of wind knocks your hat off. Your companion says, "Windy today." Well in just the last few days, Captain Obvious has planted his flag solidly in the Palm Springs.

Moon Supporters Lash Out AT Op Ed Pieces And Letters

I'm sorry but theses attacks on Robert Moon about his tenure on the Measure J Committee are part and parcel of the political game. There have been these type of letters appearing in the paper in every Palm Springs election at least since 1991. Moon's supporters should have expected it. The real issue is why the authors of such pieces never come clean and announce who they are supporting? Also why the Desert Sun allows them to get away with it? The charges they make may or not be true but for the newbies don't be fooled, all these letters and Op Ed pieces are done by supporters of rival candidates. The Desert Sun should also identify those candidates the writer supports.

Knickers In A Twist Over " Personal" Attacks

Even I am offended at the hyper-sensitivity in this election. Given some of the personal histories of the candidates involved, someone is going to say something. Rational voters will take this stuff with a grain of salt. While I'm at it, for those of you who wail and bemoan at how " vicious" and "this is the worst election in Palm Springs history", I can easily cite 2 others right off of my head.

In 1991, supporters of Lloyd Maryanov who opposed Will Kleindienst in the mayoral race kept bringing up the fact Will was a house husband and therefore was unemployed. It was nasty. And just 4 years ago, the Palm Springs Police Union sent out a hit piece on former PD Chief and then Council Member Lee Weigel. In a misleading and disgusting mailer, Weigel was accused of advocating policies that led to an increase in the murder rate of 300% in one year. (There were no murders in 2010. 2 conventional murders in 2011 and one unconventional one where a Cathedral City police officer was killed in a crash during a pursuit.) Saying your policies lead to a higher murder rate is about as "personal" as you can go.

 Campaign Signs Knocked Over In Palm Springs

 Oh the horrors!! Is it right? No. Should it be done? No. At some point all candidates have had supporters or sign companies misplace signs or block or "accidentally" knock down opponents signs. Also even the cream of Palm Springs can screw up. Remember the Chamber and the Yes On J Committee put up a bunch of illegal signs a few years back. The world survived.

 Social Media Is Not Accurate, Say It Ain't So

 As we all know, social media sites are not always sticklers for accuracy. All posters on social media have some agenda and to deny that is ridiculous.

 Candidates Are Perfect People With No Flaws


Steve Kelly can be reached at skelly @rrbroadcasting.com

1 comment:

  1. Another Archival Quality Scintillating Kellys Corner Blog

    The blog opens with references to Captain Obvious commercials. Since I've never seen one don't know whether I've been deprived of anything of significance. The fact that I don't watch commercial television is undoubtedly the cause of my great ignorance of such noteworthy material.

    Moving on in the blot, I was surprised to see the paragraph titled "Moon Supporters Lash Out AT Op Ed Pieces And Letters" followed by the statement "The real issue is why the authors of such pieces never come clean and announce who they are supporting?" It begs the question which is the salient point here?

    The discussion titled "Knickers In A Twist Over " Personal" Attacks" moved so swiftly to events that occurred more than 25 years ago that I felt we had entered into a time machine. However, it is true that some commenting on social media have shown a degree of heightened sensitivity, but "vicious"? Moi has yet to see more than occasional random observations that might qualify so far during the hour just ended.

    "Campaign Signs Knocked Over In Palm Springs" is evidence of law enforcement failure to act swiftly and bring criminals to justice. It's clear that supporters of candidates I've not endorsed are guilty and they should be swiftly apprehended and punished for their crimes.

    I was saddened by at reading "Social Media Is Not Accurate, Say It Ain't So" for it's obviously something dreamed up by those who oppose my candidates. Questioning the accuracy of Social Media, which, after all, is the source of current information, approaches the level of questioning the National Inquirer and other offerings of similar standing and repute.

    Stating the obvious that "Candidates Are Perfect People With No Flaws" should be reworded to indicate it's my candidates who are the ones without flaws. The other guys clearly need to do some work in that area before they measure up to the standard.

    Have added this blog to a file of treasured memories I'll bequeath to my heirs. It's important that every scrap of Palm Springs trivia be preserved and that certainly applies to our current 2015 local election activities.

    Bond Shands
    Desert Political Opinion blog - www.DesertObserver.com
    The Notebook blog - www.BondShands.com
    Twitter - @BondShands
    Also posted to the Palm Springs Local Government page at www.facebook.com/groups/PalmSpringsLocalGovernment
