Sunday, October 18, 2015

Blinders Off In Palm Springs

In yet another blistering editorial, today's Desert Sun goes after the Palm Springs City Council for their comments after a city commissioned report was read aloud at the October 7th meeting. It had to do with the sale of redevelopment property in Palm Springs, This is the sentence I that caught my eye.

Also disappointing is the latest "nothing to see here" reaction we've heard here time and time again from Palm Springs' leaders.

Bingo. I have often wrote of the tendency for the current members of the City Council, all of them, to risk bursitis by constantly patting themselves on the back. It is an affliction that seems to dominate here in Palm Springs and never leads to necessary self-examination.

The current City Council even accepted a 2015 Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award at the Best of the Best Golden Palm Awards!! There are very few things in life that I won't write or comment on but I was left as silent as a nunnery on a winter's night by this one. Future generations will probably burst out into laughter when apprised of the circumstances.

Since the spring, when questions started to be raised about city practices and Mayor Steve Pougnet, the other 4 Council members on the dais have displayed behavior that runs the gamut from martyrdom to arrogance. But what is missing in their actions is maturity and propriety.

Regardless of whether or not criminal proceedings commence, there was a problem in the disposition of land and in the disclosure of conflicts. There were also problems with city staff. And all council members should bite the bullet and talk about it. Somewhat unfairly, all the heat seems to fall on Paul Lewin and Ginny Foat because they are electoral candidates. But need I remind you that Chris Mills back in May said that the thought of a DA probe into matters was "laughable" and that LA bound Rick Hutcheson has praised city staff throughout this mess? I understand not
wanting to throw people under the bus, but  instead donning a Ralph Kramden uniform is quite another kettle of fish.

While it is obvious to most who are following the whole sordid mess, that problems were exacerbated by the City Manager, and City Attorney. Palm Springs leaders refuse to discuss or criticize said employees in public. In fact, Mayor Steve Pougnet, in one of his cameo appearances called David Ready, "The best city manager in the country." Not sure about that one but he is in select company with city managers who have had their City Halls raided. As for Attorney Doug Holland he lost his seat on the credibility train when he refused to release Mayor Pougnet's schedule via a public request citing legal reasons. What was bizarre about this was that Pougnet himself released it!!! Would not want to be on Death Row with Mr. Holland handling my appeal.

And last month after the attorney representing the city in a shooting death by police of a US Marine made some outrageous comments, not one city official would issue a public reprimand.

No matter what individuals triumph in the upcoming election in Palm Springs, the good news is it appears that the recent Caligula-like orgy of self-aggrandizement of the Palm Springs City Council is coming under scrutiny.

Steve Kelly can be reached at


  1. Wow! My fingers came away from the Desert Sun's editorial in this morning's paper scorched and blistered. I made the mistake of checking out Steve Kelly's blog on the same subject and find it even hotter - in fact, too hot to hold. With all the heat coming from the media that's aimed at the Palm Springs city council, one has to wonder how many pills each member requires in order to get a sound night's sleep? And the most questionable part, for me at least, is why they can't seem to stop the fast train ride they're on and revisit their destination. If ever a city council needed to wake up, change course, and perhaps change faces, that's certainly appearing to be the case with the self-loving Palm Springs city council.

    Bond Shands
    Desert Political Opinion blog -
    The Notebook blog -
    Twitter - @BondShands
    Also posted to the Palm Springs Local Government page at

  2. 1) Ready may/may not be "the best" but he's certainly amongst the best PAID (pro rata)
    2) Steve got some bad advice re: recusals and should probably ask Holland for a refund.
    3) Whatever else happens, we have at least two more years of Ginny and Chris.
    4) And if Ginny gets shoed-in as predicted, we get two of Chris and a potential of four more each for Ginny and Paul (who will then get Ginny's vacated seat.)
    5) Same old, same old, eh?
