Friday, October 16, 2015

Palm Springs Election Fact Or Fiction

This is the dirtiest election in Palm Springs history filled with "personal" attacks:

Fiction: No it isn't. There have been character issues raised in Palm Springs elections on numerous occasion. What does amplify the process is the introduction of social media in the equation.

The really important election is the one for Mayor.

Fact: So much rides on this. Ironically enough, the phrase "Politics makes strange bedfellows" is never more apropos. If  I am Paul Lewin or J.R. Roberts, I want a Ginny Foat victory because that almost guarantees me a spot on the council.

Geoff Kors has been the breakout star of the election.

Fact: He has run a campaign too good for this office. While I feel 200 grand is completely out of whack to run in a council race, he will and should be on the short list for a run against John Benoit in a few years.

Ginny Foat and Paul Lewin have run less than stellar campaigns.

Fiction: How do you run as a 3rd term or on all the "progress" made while the city is enduring an ongoing corruption investigation? In case you haven't noticed, the name Steve Pougnet has disappeared faster from the vocabulary of both of them than an ice cube on Palm Canyon Way in July. I think both have done the best with what they have.

The media have been biased for/against candidates.

Fiction: Be real

Some of the candidates have been "less ready for prime time" than others.

Fact: True and so what? I have interviewed all of the current council members and believe me, none all of them were media delights in the beginning of their runs.

Palm Springs is a "Progressive" city and this race reflects those values.

Fiction: Oh the boxes have been checked, the LGBT community feted and talk about income inequality also raised. But when you have one man donating a huge amount of money to a block of candidates, it has a certain Koch Brothers ring to it.  Also candidates fawned all over the local police union when endorsed by them. The union in turn is supplying muscle for signs and also phone calls. On the same Facebook Page where the candidates thanked the union, the union is blasting anti-racial profiling laws. Hardly a progressive move.

As always there is no shortage of irony in an election.

Fact: My favorite this year is people going on social media websites urging people not to talk politics. Huh? If the talk of the election is so upsetting, then don't go on the websites.

Political signs are the end of civilization as we know it.

Fiction: They are a vibrant part of life in a political season. Also they must have some effect as the city is now putting up Measure J signs in every nook and cranny they can. But I know those signs aren't political in the least. Ahem.

The sun will come up the day after the election.

Fact/Ficton: The jury is still out on that one.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

1 comment:

  1. If my fellow residents fail to vote for the right candidates there will be no tomorrow, the sun will stop shining, darkness will cover the earth, and civilization as we know it will forever be lost. So, my fellow voters, whatever you do, don't vote for the wrong names. Our lives, livelihood, future happiness and well-being depend on you making the correct decision. Whatever you do, don't make any mistakes.
