Saturday, October 3, 2015

Foat and I Eclipsed By Moon Endorsement

In a move that some would call a surprise, the Desert Sun has endorsed Rob Moon for Mayor in Palm Springs. Quite frankly, there was no way the paper could endorse the prohibitive favorite in the Palm Springs race, incumbent council member Ginny Foat. Yesterday the Desert Sun basically eviscerated fellow council member Paul Lewin in not endorsing him in his bid for re-election.

Of course looming large over the election is the ongoing probe into Mayor Steve Pougnet and his relationship with developer Rich Meaney. The Desert Sun Editorial Board has made it clear that it feels that there was a lack of oversight by the city council in Palm Springs.

Now what does the endorsement mean? I think it will help Rob Moon marginally. In this day of early voting and other media sources, a newspaper endorsement does not mean as much as it used to. However it does make a statement that the status quo is no longer acceptable, at least to Editorial Board and good for them.

As befits Palm Springs, news of the endorsement of Rob Moon has of course elicited some pretty entertaining comments from a few of Ms. Foat's supporters. Some are reaching back to 2012 when the paper endorsed Mitt Romney for President. To compare both is completely ludicrous. But again, many people are still upset believing Mr. Moon is behind the whole Steve Pougnet mess. I had someone today say they were going to send me "proof" of some nefarious conspiracy Mr. Moon is now purportedly involved in. I will let you know if it shows up.

Without naming me the editorial also took me to task for my view, hardly one that I alone hold, that the election of Ms. Foat was more of a planned coronation:

Some cynically insist that the dye has been cast in this race crowning Councilwoman Ginny Foat as the hand selected next in line by high-powered interests that make up the Palm Springs 'machine" that decides how the city is run.

All well and good but I am waiting for the Desert Sun to name those interests. Okay I will. Harold Matzner, and the Palm Springs Hospitality Association. And I do point out to the Editorial Board the huge amount of money invested in this race by Mr. Matzner. Totally unprecedented. I stand by my writing about this being an attempted coronation.

In the long run, Ms. Foat has to be considered the favorite but if she does achieve the Mayor's seat, one wonders how she will deal with the Desert Sun in the future.

Steve Kelly can be reached at

1 comment:

  1. I am the sort of optimist playwright/actor Peter Ustinov felt sorry for.....because I was doomed to be eternally disappointed. But, as an optimist, I hope that your prediction proves wrong. Money should not be the deciding factor in this or any other race.

    The Constitution is on life support already; I fervently hope that a bank account does not decide the question of whether or not to pull the plug.

    I have always admired your ability to "call 'em as (you) see 'em" and I rarely disagree with you. But I can always hope, can't I? (Peter Ustinov just rolled over in his grave again.)
