Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Shank

An article in today's New York Times paints a less than stellar portrait on the goings on at the Clinton Foundation.

Why should we here in the Coachella Valley care about this? For the obvious reason that the Clinton Foundation has teamed up with Humana to takeover our PGA Golf tournament. It is pretty clear from the article's intonations that the Foundation has had problems in the past with both finances and administration. Flying Natalie Portman's dog first class is not exactly a heart warming moment.

The 64 thousand dollar question is what the Humana CEO Bruce Broussard is going to think once he reads the article. Humana is after all, the one paying the freight for the event. I'm sure that someone from Humana may be on the phone to the Clinton Foundations headquarters in New York and soon.

The good news in the article and it rings true is that Hillary Clinton can not allow what some view as her inevitable march to the White House to be derailed by this. Also it seems Chelsea Clinton is stepping in as well. It behooves them to bring order to the chaos either real or perceived.

The Clinton Foundation along with Humana helped save our PGA event when it was nearly dead. Let's hope that today's news is just a minor setback. The Humana Challenge brings millions of dollars into our Valley and helps many charities as well. Here is hoping this gets straightened out soon.

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